Kelly Jones
Kelly grew up in a small town in Great Britain and moved to the U.S in 1994. She has been active in sports her entire life, including snowboarding which was her passion in her early adulthood.
In 2013 she entered her first triathlon in Ocala, FL and placed 2nd in her age group. She then went on to compete in over 40 triathlons from Sprint to Half Iron and placed podium almost every race. In the fall of 2016, she started mountain biking as a cross training tool and found a new love and has not looked back since.
Most of her time is spent on the Mountain Bike, she currently trains on the bike about 10-14 hours weekly and is a skills coach for female mountain bike riders, she loves to race her bike, ride her bike, talk about bikes and spread the love of bicycles to anyone who will listen! Kelly currently holds the Florida State XC Title in Women’s Pro/Elite